Jimmie Cox Memorial Scholarship
A $4,000 award for a student entering or currently attending college and majoring in agriculture. This award includes $2,000 from American AgCredit.
Jeannie Witmer Memorial Scholarship
A $1,500 award for a student active (past or present) in California High School Rodeo Association District 4 or California 4-H Horse Program, entering or currently attending college and majoring in agriculture and/or animal sciences.
J.J. Crosetti, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
A $1,000 award for a student entering or currently attending college and majoring in agriculture.
Laura Brown Memorial Scholarship
A $2,000 award for a student entering or currently attending college and majoring in agriculture or a related field, or majoring in culinary arts.
The scholarship application is available through Agri-Culture, 141 Monte Vista Avenue, Watsonville, CA 95076. The phone number is (831) 722-6622, or you may visit our website at www.agri-culture.us. Educating the public about agriculture is important. These funds help ensure agriculture will remain a viable industry in Santa Cruz County and the Pajaro Valley. Agri- Culture wishes to thank those who have contributed. We hope many of you will include these important funds in your annual giving. Donating is easy, either online or mailing a check and designating the fund of your choice. All of our funds are housed at Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County.
Country Crossroads
Free Map Listing Direct Sell Farms Annual Edition
The annual edition of the Country Crossroads Map, the FREE publication that lists farms in the Central Coast area that sell directly to the public, is now available. The guide shows the public where to pick Olallieberries, taste wine, and select delicious smoked sausages.
On the website you can find the location and description of direct sell farms and the area’s farmers’ markets in Santa Cruz County and the Central Coast area. The FREE publication is produced annually by the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau. Nita Gizdich, County Crossroads President stated, “The public has a unique opportunity to purchase over 100 different commodities directly from all of our direct-sell farms. It makes for a very enjoyable family outing.”
The map can be obtained by sending a business size (#10) self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau, 141 Monte Vista Avenue, Watsonville, CA 95076. You may pick one up at the above location between 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Just ask for a Country Crossroads map.
The Country Crossroads map was recently featured on Visit Santa Cruz County’s “South County Itinerary” video. Check it out!
Between the Furrows
Between the Furrows is the monthly publication of the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau. Members receive a subscription as part of their membership investment. You can read and download PDF versions of the newsletter below.

Welcome to our recipes section, dedicated to eating seasonally and locally. Inspired by Catherine Barr’s speech, this section contains recipes contributed by you that use local and seasonal ingedients. Try a recipe below, or contact us to submit your own recipe using local, seasonal ingredients.